OFLP Team of Experts Conducts Field Supervision

10 November 2021, Guji Zone
The Oromia REDD+ Coordination Unit (ORCU) has this week deployed teams of experts to selected zones and weredas of program intervention areas to monitor the current status of project activities.
The field supervision was, hence, aimed at scrutinizing key OFLP supported forest management, forest investment and livelihood activities, among others, and provides relevant implementation support to its sub-regional staff and key implementing entities with a view to scale up the overall efficacy of project activities.
‘Dugdaa Bal’a’, a local forest development cooperative was one of the community-based organizations whose afforestation/reforestation activity a teams of experts has visited during the field supervision. The cooperative is found in Korbe kebele in Shakiso wereda of Guji zone, one of the deforestation hot spot areas prioritized for OFLP strategic intervention. It was established in 2019 and has now 250 members with 94 of them female. Members of the cooperative have planted and nurtured over 12,000 trees on five hectares of degraded communal land in their locality. In so doing, ‘Dugdaa Bal’a’ has succeeded to be one of the OFLP supported Community-based Organizations that have accomplished an exemplary reforestation activity. The area has now been changed into forest, significantly contributing to the welfare of the environment.
OFLP is Oromia National Regional State’s programmatic umbrella and coordination platform for multi-sector, multi-partner intervention on all forested landscapes in Oromia. The Program is hence strives to insure sustainable and low carbon development through promoting community-based forest management/investment and enhancing carbon stock across Oromia.

Grevillea Robusta trees Planted in 2019, ‘Dugdaa Bal’aa’ A/R site